Friday, November 28, 2014

Round 1 Match B "results"!

A few judges kindly chimed in with comments on the moot match-up between Will LaForge (the writer of Story 1) and the mystery opponent (oh, alright--it was me with Story 2). Read those stories here!
  • Judge 1: Both stories are quite intriguing, the heat begging to come to full exploration. I'd like to see the continuation of each. Nicely written!
  • Judge 2: Story 1 was hot with the brief glimpses of the woman in the window and the guys reactions to her. I really want more of this story from the legend to what happened next and then some.
  • Judge 3: Both stories were excellent, and so different from one another. Story 1 was easy to get into, with colloquial language and a fun premise. Story 2 was more formal, a different feeling, but equally hot because of the young woman's nearly palpable trepidation and fear. Kudos to both authors!
Will moves on, and will face Meredith in Round 2, in January! Match C will be posted on the story blog tomorrow!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Round 1 Match A results!

And now the first of the many moments we've been (and will have been) waiting for! The votes are in! If you haven't read the the wonderful stories yet, click here for goodness' sake!

Phoenix and Meredith both wrote terrific little stories, and they've both been incredibly generous and kind. I want to begin by saluting them, and thanking them for setting such a collegial tone.

Here are the votes. Most of them are edited for the kind of typographical issues that always happen when we're commenting on blogs, and excerpted to present the positive side of each vote. Judges, I'll be sharing your full comments (anonymously) with the writers, on their request--so none of your hard work will get lost!
Judge 1: In my opinion, Story 1 was the hotter of the two stories provided. The scene had very clear sexual intent. 
Judge 2: I'll vote for Story 1. It has many erotic elements. 
Judge 3: I thought both stories were well written. I have to give it to story 1 for including a steamy sex scene. 
Judge 4: Both stories were hot in their own way, making it hard to choose. But, if forced to pick, I would have to go with Story 2 as sometimes it is in what's not said, what's just alluded to along with the passion of the characters that arouses you more. Sometimes, depending upon the writing, there's something in the open possibilities that exist between a couple so in love. 
Judge 5: My vote goes for story number one. While Story number two is incredibly well written, and sweetly romantic, story number one was truly written to arouse, and it did! 
Judge 6:  It's a tough decision, but I'm gonna vote for story two. I liked the originality of the short story. 
Judge 7: I was more entertained and captured by the second story about Alex and Chaz because it left a lot to the imagination. The setup puts you in the room with the heroine and you get all tingly and giggly when the hero pops the question as if witnessing it yourself. It's powerful and sexy without being cliché'. Plus you want to know what happens in the actual bedroom and your mind can fill in the blanks! 
Judge 8: Both stories were very nice. I liked that they were both light and playful. Story #2 was very sweet. But since this is a Hot-Off - I have to vote for Story #1. Because - spanking! 
Judge 9: Both stories were really well done, and I was impressed with the depths the authors were able to go to in so few words. Well done! I am voting for Story 1 because I enjoyed it a little more, and was more "hot and bothered" by it. 
Judge 10: Story two was my favourite. The way the author set up a gentle tension really drew me and her pacing throughout was bang-on. 
Judge 11: Story 1 is lusty, full of heat and desire with a hint of BDSM...qualities I greatly appreciate in a story. There is little doubt she belongs to Him and they're both more than pleased with the bond they share. I almost hate to admit it, but Story 2 tugged at my heart was sweet and romantic, with an undercurrent of passion between the characters. He gets her, he understands her moods and he's attentive to her needs. He timed his proposal on the date of their anniversary, a date she'd forgotten...classic. Tough, tough decision. I vote for Story 1. 
Judge 12: Oh, but this is tough. Can I vote for both of them? If I have to pick, I vote for the first story. 500 words is insanely difficult. The first story did an admirable job of fitting in elements of both plot and sex with that word limit. Given that arousal is a judging factor, I'll therefore have to pick the first story.
Story 1: 7 votes
Story 2: 5 votes

Wow. And now, the drumroll, please…

Meredith, author of story 1, goes through to Round 2! Thanks so much, Phoenix, for writing such a great story, and for participating so enthusiastically.

The next story-post, featuring a rather dramatic and mysterious twist of fate, will go up Saturday!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Guidelines for judges

This message is intended, obviously, for the registered judges, but I think it's important to post it out here in the open, so everyone knows how judging will work.

First, thanks so much for judging! This tournament couldn't exist without your commitment, and I'm very, very grateful.

Second, here are the guidelines I'm hoping you'll follow to fulfill your (hopefully reasonably pleasurable) duties:
  1. I will post in the Facebook event with a link to the stories for each round, which will be posted on a separate blog, at at midnight the morning of the date announced for the round in this post
  2. As soon as possible after the stories go up, please read them both. It shouldn't take long, since they're not allowed to be longer than 500 words. Please do not make up your mind immediately, if you can possibly help it.
  3. At least 24 hours later, if it's at all possible to wait that long, please re-read the stories.
  4. Now decide which one you think is hotter. Keep it simple. Which story aroused you more? 'Nuff said.
  5. Submit a comment that declares your judgment, and gives a positive reason for that judgment. I can't emphasize this enough. I'll be moderating, and as an author of course I'm incredibly sensitive to the difference between positive comments and negative ones, so don't worry that you'll violate this guideline without knowing it: if necessary, I'll email you and ask you to revise, with a suggestion from me as to how you might go about it. Feel free to say as many positive things about both stories as you want, but please don't critique either story.
  6. That's it (but see note below)!
Note below: if you're willing to share constructive criticism with the writers, please let me know via email (I'll remind you a few more times to do this if you're interested, but don't hesitate to mail me right now if you're willing). I will put you in contact with the writers privately, and they will be very grateful indeed to get your thoughts on ways to improve!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Match-ups for Round 1, and more!

Alright, writers, judges, and general erotica fans! It's almost here. This is the last announcement before the hotness starts to flow, if you know what I mean.

Here are the match-ups, with the date stories are due for the paired writers. I wish I could make a nice bracket, but feel free to do that yourself!

Round 1

Match A, stories due 11/8: Phoenix Johnson vs. Meredith O'Reilly
Match B, story due 11/15: Will LaForge, bye
(Note that this bye was determined randomly, using actual fully random numbers from 
(Note also that Will doesn't get out of writing a story. Perhaps a mystery "opponent" will also write a story, just for fun.)

Match C, stories due 11/22: Kiki Howell vs. Anna Bianca
Match D, stories due 11/29: Livia Grant vs. Tara Crescent

Match E, stories due 12/6: Justine Hollander vs. Delena Fox
Match F, stories due 12/13: Adaline Raine vs. JS Morbius

Match G, stories due 12/20: Sarah Young vs. Etta Stark
Match H, stories due 12/27: Sessha Batto vs. Nya Rawlyns

Round 2

In Round 2, the winner of A will face the winner of B, the winner of C will face the winner of D, and so on. The stories for Match A of Round 2 will be due 1/10/15.

Remember that all stories must be 500 words or fewer. I will cut off the ends of stories as necessary (though not of course without giving you a chance to revise). They should be submitted to my email, which writers should have from their initial confirmations, by 11:59 pm Eastern US time on the specified date.

Required elements

The stories for Round 1 must have the word "door" in them.

The stories for Round 2 must have the word "hotel."

The stories for Round 3 must have the word "fork."

The stories for Round 4 (the final round) must have the word "courage."

Please comment here with any questions!